
Showing posts from December, 2021

2021 Year in review

Thoughts As I reflect back on this past year, I am grateful for the amazing #MSDyn365BC community of developers, consultants, and users that I have been able to work with. I am grateful for live events: the hugs, the celebrations of amazing accomplishments, and the breakthroughs. And I'm even more excited about the year before us! Here are my goals for 2022 and my year in review for 2021.  Goals for 2022: Continue helping the #MSDyn365BC community via blogging and speaking at conferences. Continue to pave a path for other Women in Tech. Continue to mentor others in the community. Written by: Kristen Hosman, Microsoft MVP

SmartLists are in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

While attending todays #BCMixItUp I was asked what my thoughts are on SmartLists in Business Central compared to Dynamics GP. I honestly didn't even know that SmartList was available yet in Business Central and you could tell by how the chat blew up that many others didn't know either. We were all searching for it. While searching for it I'm pretty sure I found a bug. If you access a list using a bookmark the SmartList button doesn't show up: In order to find SmartList on a list you need to go to Tell me what you want to do and search from there. Pretty sure this is a bug and hope Microsoft fixes it soon! Now that I know SmartLists are here I'll review and post my thoughts on it soon. Written by: Kristen Hosman, Microsoft MVP

Merge duplicate vendors or customers in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Merging duplicate master records doesn't have to be so scary. In fact, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central has a great tool that makes merging vendors or customers super easy. Once you merge a vendor or customer card all the historical and open transactions are updated and merged together as well. Steps Open the vendor or customer card that you want to keep and then select Actions > Functions > Merge With.  Once the Merge Duplicate window opens, review the information in the Fields table. The information in the Current Value column is what will be the used for the vendor that is kept. If any of the information in the Alternate Value needs to be used, then you can check the Override checkbox. Notice below that I want the Payment Method Code to come over to the merged vendor.  Once you've reviewed, you're ready to merge. Simply click Merge and then Yes.  Written by: Kristen Hosman, Microsoft MVP

Bank reconciliation "North American" method in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

If you're not using the Auto Match functionality to reconcile your bank accounts then you're using the "North American" method as Microsoft calls it. This blog outlines the steps to complete the bank reconciliation using this method. I will also post a blog on how to process bank reconciliation using the Auto Match functionality.  1. Search for Bank Account Reconciliations 2. Process > New 3. Select ‘CHECKING’ 4. Update the Statement Date to the date you pulled for and update the Balance on Statement to be the ending balance for that day. 5. Process > Suggest Lines 6. Both > OK 7. Proceed with checking off the items cleared bank within the ‘Checks’ and ‘Deposits/Transfers’ sections of the Bank Rec. Worksheet. 8. Once you’ve checked everything off there may be some misc items you couldn’t find to check off. Those items will need to be investigated to see why missing from Business Central. Once you’ve entered them into the system you can go back into the Bank R