
Showing posts from April, 2024

Working with Posting Dates in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

It's standard practice in accounting to "lock" down closed or future periods to prevent users from posting. Within Dynamics 365 Business Central you have what I call a company setting and a user setting. The company setting affects all users within the company, I refer to this as the "rule" and the user setup allows you to make an exception to the rule.  General Ledger Setup Within the General Ledger Setup window, you have the Allow Posting From and Allow Posting To fields. I often recommend to users that you want to populate these fields with the current account period to restrict users from posting in the wrong period. You also have the option to set dates for the Deferral Postings as well. Keep in mind that the deferral dates may be different than the standard posting dates because you're more than likely posting into the future for the deferrals.  The General Ledger Setup is what I refer to as the "rule." User Setup If you need an exception to ...

Reversing a customer payment in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Steps to reverse a bank account transaction or customer payment in this case. Have you ever entered a customer payment and needed to void it out of the system? If so, this blog is for you! Follow the steps below to learn how to unapply a payment and void/reverse the payment. These steps will void the payment and the invoice will remaining outstanding when completed. Open the Bank Account Ledger Entries window and select the line for the transaction in question. ctrl+alt+Q on keyboard to open the Find entries page, or click on find entries on the Action Bar. Click on the Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry line Select a line that has 'Application' as the Entry Type and then Unapply Entries on the Action Bar Click Unapply Yes OK Close windows until you get back to the Bank Account Ledger Entries page. Select transaction and then Reverse Transaction from the Action Bar. Reverse Yes OK Written by: Kristen Hosman, Microsoft MVP