Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central - Dimension Correction Tool Permissions/Security
2021 release wave 1, brought us the Dimension Correction tool. For the users that don't have proper security they will receive the following message when trying to use the tool.
You do not have the following permissions on TableData Dimension Correction: Insert. To view details about your permissions, see the Effective Permissions page. To report a problem, refer to the following server sessions ID: 'XXXX'.
To correct this issue you can setup a custom permission set and assign it to the user groups or users that need access to use the tool.
- Navigate to the Permission Sets window.
- Select +New to setup a new Permission Set. I like to name it 'DIMCORRECTION' and name it 'Dimension Correction'.
- Click on Permissions once you have the Permission Set setup.
If adding Permissions right to the User Card just add the DIMCORRECTION permission set within the User Permission Sets section. You can also restrict by company by doing it this way.