
Showing posts from September, 2022

Processing Bank Account Reconciliations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

  The bank account reconciliation example I am going to use is with an account that I have linked. If you're bank account isn't linked, you can review this blog on steps to complete that task.  Search for Bank Reconciliation Process > New Select Bank Account you'd like to reconcile Populate the Statement Date and Statement Ending Balance fields. Bank > Import Bank Statement Update the from/to dates that you want to import transactions for. If you forgot to put in the statement date, then this window will pop up as you import the bank statement. Bank Statement Lines vs Bank Account Ledger Entries Bank Statement Lines: this is going to show the imported bank statement lines. I have seen before where a transaction isn't imported into Business Central from the bank and in that case, you can just add a line manually.  Bank Account Ledger Entries: this is going to show the entries entered into the bank account sub-ledger in Business Central. If you're missing a tra

Creating a Bank Deposit in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

How to create a Bank Deposit in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Bank Deposit Look up Bank Deposits Click on New Populate the following fields in the General FastTab: No.: will generate from the No. Series setup. Click on the ellipsis to get this to populate or hit tab on your keyboard to move to the next field to activate it.  Bank Account No.: select the bank account you'd like to process the deposit for.  Total Deposit Amount: total of all checks you're going to include in the deposit. Posting Date: date you want the deposit to hit the general ledger. Post as Lump Sum: this allows you to post the bank deposit as one lump sum. For example, if you have four checks and they add up to $50,000 and you're going to deposit them at the same time so within your bank account it shows one deposit amount for the total then you sure turn this on. If you expect the four checks to show separately within your bank account, then leave it turned off.  Document Date: I recommend th

Bank account linking in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central allows you to import electronically your bank statements from your bank so you can quickly fill in the Payment Reconciliation Journal page and bank account reconciliations.  Navigate to Bank Accounts window. Select bank account and then click on Bank Statement Service > Link to Online Bank Account You will be prompt to enable Envestnoet Yodlee Bank Feeds Service if you've never enabled it before. Review the terms and conditions and accept. Review and Accept the Envestnet Yodlee Bank Feeds - Terms of use. Click Close once you've accepted the terms of use (toggle). Search for bank and select the one with the correct URL for your bank. Enter in your information that you use when you log into your banks website. Click Submit. Once connected to your bank you will see a list of your accounts that will be included to being linked in Business Central. You can uncheck any accounts you don't want linked as well. Click Save & Finish or OK