Environment Transfers Dynamics 365 Business Central


Client was live on Business Central and wanted one specific company moved from one tenant to another. One issue with the Environment Transfers process is that it moves the entire environment from one tenant to another; in other words, you can't select one specific company within an environment to move.


After thinking about how I could accomplish this it came to me, copy the Production environment to a Sandbox environment and then complete the Environment Transfer for the new Sandbox environment. Once the new environment is Active then I would copy the Sandbox environment to a Production environment. From there once the Production environment is Active, I would log in and delete the companies that are not needed in this new tenant. 

It's important to take installed Extensions into account as well. For example, this client was using Expense Management by Continia. I reached out to Continia's support and they were able to provide a checklist of actions that needed to be taken in the source and destination Production environments. 

This client also had custom APIs they were using for Power BI reports and those all needed to be updated in Power BI after the transfer.

Steps Taken

  1. Within the source tenants Dynamics 365 Business Central admin center I selected the Production environment and proceeded with a Copy.

  2. Once the new Sandbox environment was in the Active State I proceeded with the Environment Transfer process. From the Dynamics 365 Business Central admin center select Environment Transfers. 

    Select Transfer Environments. Select the environments to transfer and enter the destination Microsoft Entra tenant ID. Once completed click on Transfer. 

    Once you click Transfer you can see its pending as an outgoing transfer. You can cancel if needed as well.

  3. Next log into the destination Dynamics 365 Business Central admin center. Open the Environment Transfers and select Receive Environments. Specify the source Microsoft Entra tenant ID and click Next. 

    Confirm the pending incoming transfers and select the correct environment if more than one that you'd like to accept the incoming transfer on. Click on Confirm once ready. 

  4. The source environment starts the process of the transfer since I had it set to transfer immediately. Once the transfer process is complete the environment is removed from the source tenant and shows up in the destination tenant. 
  5. Next, I selected the Sandbox environment and made a copy to a Production environment. Same process as step 1 except select new environment type to be Production.
  6. Once the Production environment was Active, I logged into the environment and proceeded to navigate to Companies and deleted any companies that were not needed in this new tenant. 

Kristen Hosman is a Microsoft MVP in Denver. She works with Dynamics 365 Business Central and related technologies. You can also connect with her through this link: Kristen Hosman | Linktree


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